
We just deployed to production including:

  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that caused the emission factors of a data point to be removed when a person was assigned.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that caused the uploader of an Excel template to be updated when the template was assigned to a person.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that caused an emission factor of a data point to be hidden when it was set to zero.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a missing translation in emails that was sent when assigning a person to a data point.
  • Onboarding: We re-worked our onboarding emails.
  • Reduction: We removed some rarely used views from the roadmap and added the ability to filter by users.

We just deployed the second part of Sprint 58 to production including:

  • Footprint: Now, when entering data points, users have the flexibility to specify units other than kWh. If an alternative unit is selected, the conversion path is displayed via an info icon, adhering to CDP rules that convert from volume to mass to energy to emissions.
  • Footprint: Users can now input custom emission factors, including well-to-tank, biogenic, and location-based factors, providing enhanced flexibility and accuracy in data entry.
  • Footprint: It is now possible to assign a person to a data point, with the designated individual receiving email notifications containing a direct link to the data point for improved collaboration and communication.
  • Bug Fix: We have resolved a bug that previously prevented the input of a footprint data point from accepting zero or being left empty, ensuring smoother data entry processes.
  • Bug Fix: Another bug has been fixed, addressing an error that occurred when attempting to delete a user who was still assigned to a footprint document or data point.
  • Bug Fix: We have fixed an issue where footprint activities were not immediately updated after making edits to a data point or changes to an uploaded Excel file, eliminating the need for a manual reload to see the updates.
  • Database: Over the weekend, we performed an upgrade on our production database, resulting in a 15-minute downtime on Saturday to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
  • FAQ: Our FAQs within the software have been replaced with a publicly visible Notion page, where we have transferred our existing FAQs and plan to expand with additional content, including common use-cases and technical documentation. This new platform offers easy editing capabilities and supports various media types for enhanced user experience and accessibility.

We just deployed intra-sprint to production including:

  • Footprint: We have introduced the option to enter energy consumption directly within the platform, offering users an alternative to Excel upload. Users can now create data points, specifying the energy source and reporting frequency (yearly or monthly).
  • Onboarding: Our onboarding emails have been revamped, with three outdated ones removed to streamline the onboarding process and provide users with more relevant information.
  • Servers: To enhance performance and responsiveness, we have doubled our server capacity, enabling us to handle a greater volume of user requests while ensuring optimal application functionality.

We just released the fruits of sprint 57 to production. This includes:

  • Footprint: We have introduced separate calculations for biogenic emissions. This means that if you utilize a biogenic energy source, it is now accounted for three times: 1. As biogenic, outside the normal footprint. 2. As part of Well-to-tank (scope 3.3). 3. As residual emissions in scope 1 and 2.
  • Menu: To enhance clarity, we have reorganized the menu structure by relocating Roadmap and Insights inside Reduction. This adjustment provides a more logical separation of modules, particularly for customers utilizing both features.
  • Multi-mandate: We have enabled companies to create their own companies or organizational units within their hierarchy. In addition, we offer the option to isolate child companies completely, providing multi-mandate capabilities. This feature is particularly beneficial for consultancies seeking to manage their clients effectively.
  • UI: We now display tons of CO2e with only two decimal digits instead of three, improving readability and making it easier for users to distinguish between decimals and thousand separators.
  • Bug Fix: When replacing a document, the upload date is now correctly updated, ensuring accurate document management.
  • Bug Fix: We have resolved an issue where clicking on an Action within Action Management while visiting a child company would redirect to the Dashboard instead of opening the Action. This issue has been fixed.

We just deployed the results of sprint 56 to production. This includes:

  • Footprint: We have expanded our unit support beyond kilowatt-hours (kWh) to include various options such as liters or cubic meters. Following the CDP guidelines, we convert volume to mass, then mass to energy, and finally, energy to emissions. This conversion path is now visualized in the activity table. The supported units include kWh, kg, l, MWh, GWh, Wh, kJ, MJ, GJ, TJ, toe, tce, kcal, Mcal, Btu, kBtu, NBtu, g, t, lt, st, lb, m3, ml, ft3, galUK, galUS, and bbl.
  • Footprint: In the footprint results view, we have eliminated the location-based column from scopes where it is not applicable, such as in scope 3, ensuring a more streamlined and relevant presentation.
  • Footprint: Users can now be assigned to an Excel template, with notifications sent via email. This feature facilitates a structured data collection workflow on the platform.
  • Footprint: A bug causing the filter in the Activity log to display incorrect values has been fixed, ensuring accurate and reliable filtering.
  • Holding: The company chooser now displays subsidiaries indented, providing a clearer visualization of the hierarchical tree structure between organizational units.

  • Footprint: We have introduced support for scope 3.3 emissions, which means that all energy-related emissions are now doubly accounted for—once for their initial scope and once for well-to-tank in 3.3. Additionally, we have enriched our emission factor database with corresponding factors.
  • Footprint: Users can now view emissions of energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh), providing a more detailed and informative perspective on energy-related environmental impact.
  • Footprint: Holders now have the capability to showcase the aggregated footprint of both the holding itself and all its subsidiaries, offering a comprehensive overview of environmental impact.
  • Footprint: We have incorporated the ability to directly replace an Excel file during the upload session, streamlining the data collection process for enhanced efficiency.
  • Bug Fix: We have rectified a minor UI glitch where location titles were not truncated, potentially causing overlap with other UI elements.

We are pleased to announce the release of Sprint 54 to production, recognizing that this increment is more modest, given the festive Christmas season.

  • Holding: In the Company Chooser, you will now find all descendant subsidiaries, not just direct children, enhancing visibility. Additionally, we’ve optimized the screen size to better align with the surrounding header.
  • Footprint: To improve user experience, we’ve separated result presentation from data entry within the Footprint feature. Furthermore, we’ve introduced the capability to filter for descendant companies, providing users with more refined insights.
  • Team: As part of user-friendly adjustments, we have designated the admin role as the default for new users. Additionally, we’ve included tooltips to provide concise descriptions for each role, ensuring clarity and ease of use.

We are delighted to announce the release of Sprint 53 to production, with a primary focus on enhancing our Footprint module.

  • Footprint: In this update, we’ve introduced an Activity table within our footprint module, showcasing all booked activities along with their automatically matched emission factors.
  • Footprint: To enhance user experience, we’ve separated data entry from result presentation. Additionally, we’ve implemented a horizontal bar chart that facilitates a detailed drill-down analysis of emissions across three levels: 1) scopes, 2) subscopes, and 3) activities.
  • Menu: Our menu is now sticky and ever-present, providing continuous accessibility. This change is accompanied by an optimization of screen space to minimize usage and maximize efficiency.
  • Insights: In response to user needs, we’ve improved the width of specific columns in Insights to better accommodate their values.

Celebrate our latest software update of sprint 53 on production as we unveil a cutting-edge footprint module, a revamped menu for enhanced accessibility, improved VALERI calculator data entry, optimized screen space in Insights, and bug fixes that add to the festive joy of seamless user experience!

  • Footprint: We did the first steps on our footprint module that allows companies to calculate their corporate carbon footprint (CCF) inside the platform. So far the feature has to be enabled by us on customer request. This firs iteration mainly focuses on Scope 1 and 2 but also allows entering pre-processed data for other scopes. For that purpose, customers can upload three different Excel templates (Energy, Refrigerants, Generic). The Excel files are then processed and the CCF if immediately shown. Emission factors are automatically matched. These come from different public available emission factor sets. The final CCF if rendered in a table.
  • Menu: We started to re-work our menu by first putting all submenus into the main menu. This has the advantage to show at first sight what options are available. We also simplified the settings by moving the password and language select into the My Account page. This also allowed us to remove the footer from our application.
  • VALERI: We improved the data entry for the VALERI calculator in two ways. First we made Capex and Opex always negative immediately at the input field and also converted all entries in the database. This gives a consistent experience for all costs. Second we removed the delay and the lost of keybord input focus after a value was entered. This allows for much quicker data entry, especially when using tab to move between controls.
  • Insights: We optimized the screenspace of the insights view by mainly reducing the margins everywhere. This allows to show show more information on screen, around 50% vertical and 25% horizontal.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed two places where a tooltip could be shown in front of select dropdown and made it impossible to click a entry.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that prevented admins from a holding with write access to a subsidiary to delete actions in a subsidiary.

:rotating_light: Whoop! Whoop! Release alert! We’ve just deployed Sprint 51 to production! We listened to our users and brought the following into existence:

  • Assessment: We have eliminated the save button from the Assessment Carbon Footprint section, opting to save entered values directly. This adjustment aligns this aspect with the consistent behavior found elsewhere in the software.
  • Insights: The Tags column is now sortable, enhancing the flexibility and usability of the Insights feature.
  • Settings: We have simplified the settings interface and removed unused settings for a more streamlined and intuitive user experience.
  • VALERI: Savings are now, by default, supported in EUR, providing a more standardized and user-friendly experience.
  • Bug Fix: We have resolved an issue that prevented the saving of insights columns, ensuring that column preferences are now accurately preserved.
  • Bug Fix: We have addressed an issue that caused calculation data with entered zeros not to appear in the CO2e calculator. This fix ensures that all relevant data is properly reflected in the calculator for accurate calculations.