
  • Footprint: Introduced the initial version of our spend-based carbon footprint calculation feature. This functionality entails uploading purchase data categorized by NACE codes, which are then mapped to DEFRA emission factors. While this approach serves as an initial step for identifying hotspots, it’s not intended to provide precise footprint calculations.
  • Footprint: Enhanced clarity by adding “Net calorific value” to the kWh unit.
  • UI: Optimized dropdown menus to display frequently used options at the top, improving user efficiency in selections such as country, energy sources, and unit choices.

Oh yeah! A dream comes true… this just hit production:

  • UI: Introduced a light mode option in response to user feedback regarding readability issues with the dark theme. Users can now switch to a light mode with black text color on a white background individually through “My Account”.
  • Footprint: Enhanced the data point creation process by providing comprehensive information about automatically matched emission factors, improving user clarity and understanding.
  • Footprint: We moved the button to transfer a footprint from Footprint- to Reduction-module from Results to Data-entry. This way is clear what companies data is transferred.
  • Bugfix: Added support for older browsers to ensure compatibility and smooth functionality across different browser versions.
  • Bug-fix: Addressed an issue where users without a job title encountered difficulties accessing the software.
  • Bug-fix: Resolved a bug in the Frontend module that erroneously displayed results from subsidiaries even when they lacked relevant data.
  • Bug-fix: Addressed an issue where users without a job title encountered difficulties accessing the software.
  • Bug-fix: Resolved a bug in the Frontend module that erroneously displayed results from subsidiaries even when they lacked relevant data.
  • Bug-fix: Fixed an issue where our FAQ was inaccessible for a period of 24 hours.
  • Bug-fix: Addressed an issue causing failure in transferring footprints from the Footprint module to the Reduction module due to number overflow.

We just deployed the following improvements to production:

  • Footprint: Resolved an issue where data points always retrieved the latest emission factor from the root company instead of the one corresponding to the footprint year and organizational unit.
  • Footprint: Updated the company filters when visiting an organizational unit to display the companies accessible to the visited organizational unit, rather than those belonging to the current user.

We just deployed to production including:

  • Footprint: Users can now transfer footprints from the Footprint module to the Reduction module, marking the initial integration between the two modules.
  • Footprint: Resolved an issue where disabled and removed emission factors on a data point reappeared after editing.
  • Footprint: Fixed an issue where the unit in the Activities view displayed as “undefined / undefined”.
  • Footprint: We updated our emission factor database and added two more frequently used refrigerants.
  • Documents: Addressed an issue where uploading documents and Excel tables caused small texts to span two lines instead of one.

We just released part one of sprint 60 to production including:

  • Footprint: Users can now export booked activities by utilizing the newly added export button in the activity view. The activities are exported as Excel .XLSX files, enabling seamless data retrieval.
  • Bug Fix: Addressed an issue where creating an organizational unit resulted in the company name in settings appearing empty. This has been rectified, and the name is now correctly displayed.
  • Footprint: Updated our emission factor database, with a particular focus on refrigerants and electricity data, ensuring enhanced accuracy and relevance. Now values based on the IPCC AR6 are available. Before values where based on IPCC AR4/AR5. New name convention for the refrigerants based on the ASHRAE Codes for refrigerants. Additional refrigerants have been added. Advantages: Data is more actual, More uniform name convention, Values based on more known sources, Half-automatic calculation sheet for future GWP updates.

We just deployed the last fruits of Sprint 59 to production. This release brings the following;

  • Onboarding: We reduced the number of onboarding emails and re-worked their content to be more concise.
  • Footprint: We added the ability to delete data points.
  • Footprint: We added a search field to the activity view. Now activities support full-text fuzzy search.
  • UI: We incresed the maximum height of the company chooser on top left so that it is easier to switch between companies, especially when there are many of.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a rendering issue on Mac OSX Safari that caused the Insights and Activity view to show the summary above the column header.
  • Bug-fix: We resolved an isssue that did not allow to create a footprint for the current year.

We just deployed to production including:

  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that caused the emission factors of a data point to be removed when a person was assigned.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that caused the uploader of an Excel template to be updated when the template was assigned to a person.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that caused an emission factor of a data point to be hidden when it was set to zero.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a missing translation in emails that was sent when assigning a person to a data point.
  • Onboarding: We re-worked our onboarding emails.
  • Reduction: We removed some rarely used views from the roadmap and added the ability to filter by users.

We just deployed the second part of Sprint 58 to production including:

  • Footprint: Now, when entering data points, users have the flexibility to specify units other than kWh. If an alternative unit is selected, the conversion path is displayed via an info icon, adhering to CDP rules that convert from volume to mass to energy to emissions.
  • Footprint: Users can now input custom emission factors, including well-to-tank, biogenic, and location-based factors, providing enhanced flexibility and accuracy in data entry.
  • Footprint: It is now possible to assign a person to a data point, with the designated individual receiving email notifications containing a direct link to the data point for improved collaboration and communication.
  • Bug Fix: We have resolved a bug that previously prevented the input of a footprint data point from accepting zero or being left empty, ensuring smoother data entry processes.
  • Bug Fix: Another bug has been fixed, addressing an error that occurred when attempting to delete a user who was still assigned to a footprint document or data point.
  • Bug Fix: We have fixed an issue where footprint activities were not immediately updated after making edits to a data point or changes to an uploaded Excel file, eliminating the need for a manual reload to see the updates.
  • Database: Over the weekend, we performed an upgrade on our production database, resulting in a 15-minute downtime on Saturday to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
  • FAQ: Our FAQs within the software have been replaced with a publicly visible Notion page, where we have transferred our existing FAQs and plan to expand with additional content, including common use-cases and technical documentation. This new platform offers easy editing capabilities and supports various media types for enhanced user experience and accessibility.

We just deployed intra-sprint to production including:

  • Footprint: We have introduced the option to enter energy consumption directly within the platform, offering users an alternative to Excel upload. Users can now create data points, specifying the energy source and reporting frequency (yearly or monthly).
  • Onboarding: Our onboarding emails have been revamped, with three outdated ones removed to streamline the onboarding process and provide users with more relevant information.
  • Servers: To enhance performance and responsiveness, we have doubled our server capacity, enabling us to handle a greater volume of user requests while ensuring optimal application functionality.

We just released the fruits of sprint 57 to production. This includes:

  • Footprint: We have introduced separate calculations for biogenic emissions. This means that if you utilize a biogenic energy source, it is now accounted for three times: 1. As biogenic, outside the normal footprint. 2. As part of Well-to-tank (scope 3.3). 3. As residual emissions in scope 1 and 2.
  • Menu: To enhance clarity, we have reorganized the menu structure by relocating Roadmap and Insights inside Reduction. This adjustment provides a more logical separation of modules, particularly for customers utilizing both features.
  • Multi-mandate: We have enabled companies to create their own companies or organizational units within their hierarchy. In addition, we offer the option to isolate child companies completely, providing multi-mandate capabilities. This feature is particularly beneficial for consultancies seeking to manage their clients effectively.
  • UI: We now display tons of CO2e with only two decimal digits instead of three, improving readability and making it easier for users to distinguish between decimals and thousand separators.
  • Bug Fix: When replacing a document, the upload date is now correctly updated, ensuring accurate document management.
  • Bug Fix: We have resolved an issue where clicking on an Action within Action Management while visiting a child company would redirect to the Dashboard instead of opening the Action. This issue has been fixed.