
  • Footprint: Changes in data quality and description of a datapoint is now being logged in the audit trail.
  • Footprint: Having a company chooser in the result section of a single CCC made no sense – we deleted the chooser here.
  • Reporting: The Double Materiality Analysis was extended by the menu/tree to expand and collapse the topics and subtopics.
  • General: We decreased the time of merging audit events to 10min.

  • Footprint: We added 3 new columns to our excels (Energy, Refrigerants, Generic) to display more relevant info requested by one of our partners. The new columns are: Data owner, Data source and Data quality. The data quality can also be found on each manual data point. All those columns are also found in the activities view from now on. Furthermore, the assignee is now shown in the activity view as well.
  • Footprint: We increased the number of rows for uploads. Backend uploads for mapping have been increased to 10.000 and uploads for excels in the footprint module to 5.000 rows.
  • Footprint: We add the emission summary also to the data point view and also the menu item “Data entry” keeps being highlighted when going deeper into the footprint.
  • Footprint: The download of a proof document now works via the known button instead of clicking on the name of the document.
  • Reporting: The first step towards our Double Materiality Analysis module has been made by adding a new module and creating the according menu item.
  • Dashboard: The on track table on the dashboard has been improved by making the first column sticky and right aligning the column titles with the numbers.
  • Reduction: The VALERI calculator now spreads over the full width of your screen so you can always see as much of the table as possible.
  • Footprint: We added the unit of kWh to the energy based activities results.
  • Bug fix: The drill down chart showed empty bars, we fixed this issue.
  • Bug fix: The error symbol and loading symbol were very small. They are now back to their original size.
  • Bug fix: Issue where emission factor database couldn’t be uploaded to production was fixed.
  • Bug fix: A display issue of the drill down chart in the footprint result has been fixed.
  • Bug fix: The issue of some drop-down not showing all content has resulted in us now showing a native browser tooltip for elements inside the dropdown.

  • Reduction: The Reduction Path Graph on the dashboard has been upgraded. Grey bars now represent the emission forecast, calculated as previous year’s emissions minus current year’s Savings CO2e.
  • Footprint: An approval process was added to the footprint data points. An approver can now be assigned and depending on the assigned role certain parts of the process are adjustable. An assignee can send out an approval request (which will freeze the data entry) and an approver can approve or reject this request. Furthermore, approver as well as assignee can add comments at any stage of the process.
  • Footprint: Purchased electricity is now categorized as Conventional, Renewable, or Nuclear to comply with CSRD and provide more detailed results. These categories can be found under: Electricity Purchased Conventional, Electricity Purchased Renewable, and Electricity Purchased Nuclear.
  • Footprint: The purchase Excel template now includes a column to indicate if a purchase is a capital good, distinguishing between 3.1 and 3.2 purchases. If “Yes” is selected, the activity is logged as 3.2; otherwise, it is logged as 3.1 or other subscopes.
  • Footprint: Proof uploads for individual data points are now logged in the Audit Trail.
  • Footprint: Users will now receive a confirmation modal when changing the frequency of a single data point, as this action deletes previously entered data and uploaded proofs.
  • Bug Fix: The issue of missing translations in the processing column for large file uploads has been resolved. The loading symbol is now displayed correctly.

  • Footprint: Allow uploading documents datapoints. This allows users to upload proofs of their energy consumption like invoices.
  • Footprint: We added a previous month and year comparison to data points. This serves as a first version of a plausibility check.

  • Footprint: We restructured the Footprint UI/UX, dividing footprints into separate pages that allow users to delve into specific years, footprints, and data points. This provides a better overview and the ability to link to specific sections, enhancing teamwork efficiency.
  • Footprint: Uploaded Excel templates now display an indication of their processing type, which can be automatic, manual, or none, depending on the template.
  • Bug-fix: Fixed an issue where the audit trail sometimes displayed events not properly sorted by date.
  • Bug-fix: Resolved a bug that prevented users from being deleted under certain circumstances.

  • Footprint: Enhanced the error messages displayed when importing Excel templates, providing more detailed information.
  • Footprint: Improved Excel template import by displaying an error message if the template contains more than 1,000 rows, ensuring manageable data processing.
  • UI: Added breadcrumb links to titles, paving the way for better accessibility and easier navigation.

  • Audit Trail: A new audit trail view is now available in the settings menu, allowing you to track all modifications made within a company.
  • Bug-fix: Resolved an issue that prevented assigning people from the holding to actions in child companies.
  • Bug-fix: Fixed a problem where custom emission factors were not being applied as expected.

  • Audit trail: We prepared everything for an audit trail. This includes an overhaul of the action activity log.
  • Bug-fix: We fixed a bug that caused the browser tab to hang when switching between accounts.
  • Footprint: When adding an data point, the org unit and year is visible on the modal dialog.
  • Footprint: We added the ability to assign templates and data points to people from the holding.

  • UI: Enhanced the company chooser at the top by implementing a collapsible tree structure. This improvement facilitates the handling of larger organizational unit trees with ease.
  • Bug-fix: Addressed an issue where transferring data from Footprint to Reduction failed if the Footprint contained purchases with unmapped NACE codes.
  • Bug-fix: Resolved an issue causing the browser to freeze under specific conditions when navigating back.