software for
the production industry

End the the Excel chaos and
make your
strategy as efficient as your
production line.

Our services at a glance

Global Changer simplifies the double materiality analysis and automates the calculation of your Scope 1-3 carbon footprint. Fulfill your compliance and reporting requirements effortlessly and be well prepared for your CSRD reporting.

Materiality Analysis

Scope 1-3 Accounting

CO2e Reduction


Start your 30-day
free trial now!

Work with our expert sustainability onboarding team and see what you can achieve with a 30-day free trial.

Support Sustainability Software Net-Zero Expert Onboarding Global Changer

Dennis Schwibinger

Chief Customer Officer

The Climate
Control Center

Identify emission sources, then plan, execute and deliver emissions reduction and reporting from one streamlined platform.


Generate a detailed emissions footprint using the most up-to-date emission factors and automated calculations.


Use a constantly expanding library of over 270 mitigation projects to identify the most efficient and effective strategy, evaluated against ROI.


Collaborate across disparate teams to execute your sustainability strategy and track your progress towards Net-Zero.


Generate audit-ready, traceable sustainability data.

Create a commercially
viable transition to Net-Zero

Profitability and compliance, hand-in-hand.

Stay compliant

  • Stay ahead of a changing regulatory landscape with tools designed by sustainability and industry experts.
  • Generate audit-ready, traceable data for your reporting.
  • Get on top of CSRD/ESRS reporting.
  • Align with standards and regulations like GHG Protocol, SBTi, CSRD and ISO 50001.

Stay profitable

stay profitable logo
  • Quickly identify the emissions mitigation projects with the highest ROI.
  • Save significant amounts of money through energy efficiency.
  • Get better terms from banks and investors.
  • Avoid losing clients and win new business in a world increasingly concerned with climate change.

Designed for
complex organisations

Organisation modelling

Complex organisational structures?

Accurately model your organisation with tree hierarchies, locations, plants, production lines and departments.

Organisation modelling

Multiple territories

Working across multiple territories?

Use different languages, currencies and metrics within our software.

Multiple territories

Seamless collaboration

Need to navigate multiple workstreams?

Effortlessly organise all your emission reduction projects in one central hub.

Seamless collaboration

Unlimited seats

Many internal stakeholders?

Get everyone you need on board and make your project happen. Our platform doesn't penalise you for adding more people to your account.

Unlimited seats

Designed in compliance with scientific standards and legal regulations.

Achieve compliance
and ROI

Work towards Net-Zero whilst increasing your organisation’s profit. Make the first step with a 30-day free trial.

Build a robust
reduction strategy

High-quality footprinting is just the first step. Create and implement a complete sustainability strategy with our software.

bulb icon

Receive smart recommendations based on your footprint data and an expanding library of over 270 mitigation projects.

Identify the most efficient mitigation projects with the highest impact and highest ROI.

magnifying glass icon

Create an SBTi compliant reduction path with actionable steps toward Net-Zero.

Unparalleled support from our team of experts

We’re not just another technology company. Global Changer is built by sustainability and production industry experts.

Partner with us and get a single, highly-experienced point of contact to guide you through onboarding and rollout and to support your ongoing sustainability strategy.

We are committed to regular, customer led updates, optimising our platform to industry needs, alongside constant review and release against changing regulations.

Expert Sustainability Software Production Industry VALERI SBTI

Yacin Bessas

Sustainability Lead

13 years of experience in sustainability, including 6 in science and 7 in industry (Knorr-Bremse).

Tobias Martetschlaeger


6 years of experience in sustainability and 12 years in startups and production companies (Sonnen, Schwan-STABILO).

Expert COO Global Changer Sustainability Software Onboarding Production Industry

Dennis Schwibinger

Chief Customer Officer

10 years customer centric experience in startups and corporates (DHL, Conrad).

CTO Global Changer Sustainability Software Technology SAAS CCF

Matthias Mayrock


2 decade of experience as a seasoned engineer, CTO and exit-proven co-founder.

One company,
10 sites, 12 months – real results

Here is what one production company with 10 sites worldwide achieved in 12 months with Global Changer.


CO2e mitigation actions planned currently.

people's handshake


CO2e mitigation actions done.



kWh of savings / year already realised.



EUR of savings / year already realised.

3.250 t

CO2e saved so far.



Emission reduction
in Scope 1&2.

What could you achieve?

To understand more about how your organisation can hit its sustainability goals with the Climate Control Center, get in touch today or book a demo with one of our experts.