What is this calculation based on?

While researching the impact of global warming on the arctis, the talented scientist Dr. Dirk Notz (Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, Germany) was able to develop an equation that quantifies the amount of arctic sea ice that is melting per ton of CO2.​

Auch Lebensmittelverschwendung ist für das Schmelzen von Polareis verantwortlich.
Auch der Genuss von Getränken wie Milchkaffee verursacht CO2 Emissionen die eine Auswirkung auf das Schmelzen von Polareis haben.
1 Flug nach Mallorca schmelzt umgerechnet 2 qm Polareis.
6000 km Fahrtstrecke mit dem Auto schmelzen umgerechnet 2 qm Polareis.
Der durchschnittliche Fussabdruck einer Person aus Deutschland schmelzt umgerechnet knapp 35 qm Polareis.

OK, but why is arctic sea ice so

Arctic sea ice keeps the polar regions cool and helps moderate global climate. It has a bright surface; 80% of the sunlight that strikes it is reflected back into space.​​

As sea ice melts in the summer, it exposes the dark ocean surface. Instead of reflecting 80% of the sunlight, the ocean absorbs 90% of the sunlight. The oceans heat up, and arctic temperatures rise further.​

Arctic sea ice extent for February 2020 was 14,68 million square kilometres, the 13th lowest in the satellite record (http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/).​

“If emissions don’t change at all from today’s level (2016), which is extremely unlikely, then the ice will be gone in 25 years. If emissions continue to rise then the ice will be gone sooner than that.”

Dr. Dirk Notz

Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology Hamburg, Germany

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